
Tests, Tea, and Hammocks!

Hello, Friends!
Recently, I underwent loads of testing.  I took the

ACT(American College Testing)
SAT(Scholastic Aptitude Test)
ACT Work keys(a test that asks you if you know how to read an analog clock)
and M-Step(Michigan Student Test of Educational Process)

all within a week of each other :(.
This is why junior year is stressful! I'm going to enjoy senior year a lot more.
Studying for those tests(particularly the ACT a lot more than the SAT), was a long, time-consuming brain workout. 
And now I have less than 20 days until my AP tests. It's a lottle(combination of a little and a lot) stressful, but I know that God will help me through every step of the way! 
In between those tests, I've been doing things to stay social :).
This past Tuesday after the SAT, it was my friend Minsu's birthday! We got free Ben and Jerry's and then went to Panera.

I wish I could travel back in time to get more! The weather in Ann Arbor has turned 180 again and gone from freezing rain and hail/snow to 80 degree days, only God can do that hahaha!

On Thursday night, my mom and I saw Guys and Dolls at the Powercenter put on by the UoM students.  What a great production!! I was blown away, the dancing was so in sync, the singing was perfect, and the accents were very legit.

Total perks of living in a college town! 
Yesterday, Minsu and I got to hang out again and go to our church's Women's friendship tea. It was so cute as all of the ladies from our church dressed up and wore beautiful hats. 

Minsu, Danielle and Me!:)

 After the friendship tea, we decided to go hammocking and use my new hammock that I bought off of Amazon. It was a perfect day yesterday, 70 degrees and with a little warm wind. The link to the hammock I bought - hammock .

Minsu and I just chillin'
Almost falling out!
This little kitty, Leo came and visited us.
This past week was really exciting even with all of the testing. I now have to study for my AP tests, so I will write later!
Have a great week!!
Joy :)


Spring Break

Hello, friends!
Spring break has just started for the Ann Arbor schools in Michigan, and I have been enjoying it already. My family isn't going anywhere this week, and I actually have a lot of studying for AP exams and SAT and ACT tests(fun spring break- I know!!!). Transition back to Easter!

On Easter my Grandma drove in from Chicago, and she stayed the whole week with us which was so much fun, even though my whole family was really busy before spring break. Saturday, before she left, she really wanted to go to a Native American powwow at Skyline High School, so we went and it was a whole new experience!

My friend Dhiya was there, too!
They came in doing this awesome dance to loud drums.
Amazing dresses!
More dancing :)

Another thing that we did yesterday after the powwow was make pasta from scratch with our Italian friends who live across the street. Since I am a pasta luvr, it was a dream come true! 

In action. Yeah!
Ya mom! 
Mom and Grandma Betty
Strips of Pasta!

Ready to boil!

2 hours later it's ready to eat! Yum!
The pasta was DELICIOUS, and now my mom and I are looking at pasta makers on Amazon :). I've had a great start to the week, did you do anything fun over spring break/are you doing anything fun this week? Leave a comment below, I'd love to know!

Joy :)

So Long, Freshman Year!

Hello, friend! I just wrapped up my year of college and am getting ready to live in China in 19 days (if you wanna donate to my GoFundMe...