
Joy's Words #1!

Hello, friend!

I'm going to start a tag in my blog called "Joy's Words" because making new words is a fun hobby of mine, and this is a fantastic place where I can share them with the world!
Recently, I was on Twitter and decided that there simply wasn't an accurate word to describe the feeling I had when scrolling through endless amounts of hilarious and horrifying (at the same time) videos and picture/caption tweets.

The result was my created word: Hilorrifying.

Hilorrifying(hill-or-if-eyeing): When you feel like laughing but also know that you should be feeling shocked and/or slightly to extremely concerned.

Now on what occasion, may you ask, should it be appropriate to use this word? Here's one example:
This tweet is slightly concerning because you definitely don't want anyone to be hitting anyone with cars, but the actual meaning is all-too relatable as a student. I know a lot of us sometimes feel miserable at school, and/or already dead because of all the work we have to do.

Another example is Danielle here, otherwise known as the
 catch me outside cash me ousside cash me outside how bout dat danielle bregoli GIF
girl. While she was a meme for wayyy too long because of how she talked(if you didn't know). She also had(and still has?) a very very concerning background with illegal activities, and is really ... out of control, if you watch the whole video of her interview with Dr. Phil and her mom, you'll see that this is the perfect instance to use the word, "hilorrifying". 

 Or here's a real life example of when to use the word, "hilorrifying"- 
My Grandma just visited my family about a week ago, and she told me that instead of going to the theaters to watch, "Lord of the Rings," she and her other 70-year old friend saw the supernatural psychological horror film, "The Ring." I didn't know whether to laugh or be horrified that she had to experience that, but she told me that they stayed for the rest of the movie because when you pay $$ for a movie, you might as well watch it. I definitely agree with that mentality, but I don't think I would be able to sit and watch a horror movie without being extremely just plain horrified.....

Anyways, I hope that this made your day a little bit brighter as you learned a new word of mine.
Happy Sunday!
Joy :)


Hi, Me Again!

Hello, friend!

Whoops. It has been actually MORE than a month since my last blog post(there goes my goal of trying to post once every week)! I think that I have been lost on what to write about and that's why I haven't been writing anything at all. I've just been trying to live in the moment with everything that I've been doing this summer, whether its camp counseling, hanging out with my friends and family, or driving 13+ hours to Asheville, North Carolina for a campus conference(ICMC) with 1500 other campus disciples.

Here is a lil' recap of everything that I've been up to:

1. I saw the most beautiful sunrise through the trees while in Asheville, North Carolina. 
A pretty random group of us college students woke up at 5:50 in the morning to go hiking and see the sunrise over this lookout which was okaaaay, but not the WOW thing we were looking for. About 10 minutes after the sun had risen, we were walking back down the trail and saw the sun shining like the color of fire through the trees. It was breathtaking, and well worth the early wakeup!
Some of the group that went hiking. 
2. I discovered one of my favorite songs while at ICMC.
At one of the main sessions at the conference, there was a worship song called, "Hills and Valleys." It's about how God is with us through the highs and lows of life(our mountains and valleys), and how no matter what we look to God when we're in either situation. It has a great message and Tauren Wells is so passionate in this song that you'll want to jam out to it. You can listen to it here-

3. I've fallen more in love with Wisconsin!
My mom and I just visited the sunflowers in Verona(a little bit next to Madison) and it was BEAUTIFUL-I LOVE SUNFLOWERS. They're so bright and colorful and you just can't be sad around them.
We both look kind of blind because of the sun. Welp.
Then on Monday, my family and I went to Devil's Lake which is like a 45 minute drive from Madison, and it was also really pretty there. It was at first a little chilly, but after hiking for an hour or so we warmed up and the sun came out which was a total blessing! It was so great being surrounded by nature. Ah, summer. We brought Po with us too, and he had a good time. He napped for a very long time after our hike.
Po, or Simba.
I feel like this summer has been a summer with fantastic weather, lots of time getting to know Madison better and the people in it, and some great memories. School starts September 6th for me, and I'm looking forward to it but also getting a little nervous about being at such a big campus and the transition from high school to college! I'll keep the blog more updated now(hopefully) as the summer wraps up.

Thanks for reading!!
Joy :)

So Long, Freshman Year!

Hello, friend! I just wrapped up my year of college and am getting ready to live in China in 19 days (if you wanna donate to my GoFundMe...