
Happy October 1st!

Hello, friend!

HAPPY FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER!! Today I went apple and pumpkin picking with some friends from church, crossing off two things from my fall bucket list! I will be making pies with the apples that I picked probably this Thursday, so you can expect another blog post soon about that.

It was a perfect day today to go apple picking, the sun was out, and there were still many apples left for us to pick! It was also my very first time apple picking, and I definitely enjoyed it. Apples are more rewarding to pick because you get much more fruit than when you pick cherries or raspberries, which takes hours for less fruit. We went to this place called, "Eplegaarden," which is a super cute Norwegian-themed apple garden. My mom was really excited about the Norwegian part, too.
Me, Tatum, and Abby! <3
We found this cute apple heart thing and decided to sit in it for cute pics. Also, we kept on finding the TINIEST little apples, and they were actually still very delish!

I found the most perfect pumpkin which I took home, and it is now sitting on the table as a little centerpiece! I just discovered that pumpkin stems are SO spiky, and therefore not fun to pick up by the stem. It was worth it though, to bring our pumpkins home! We also picked literally SO many apples, I am going to have to eat more than just, "an apple a day," before they go bad! I am looking forward to continuing my fall bucket list, and will be updating you guys as I continue to cross things off of it.

Right now, I'm very busy with school so I haven't had much time to write blog posts. I have so many projects that I'm doing, and I'm just praying that I can get them done and still get to bed at a reasonable time each night! This was such a fun way to kick off October though, and I'm so excited for many more fun events to come.

Have a great week!
Joy :)

So Long, Freshman Year!

Hello, friend! I just wrapped up my year of college and am getting ready to live in China in 19 days (if you wanna donate to my GoFundMe...